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The following is a written account of the By-laws in Troop 394. Failure to comply with these bylaws may lead to disciplinary actions (see:Article III) or expulsion from the troop. All those who wish to join (see: Article II) must understand and agree with these bylaws. If a complaint with these regulations is filed, then the executive governors of Troop 394 (see: Article IV) will have the right to vote and amend the issue in question.


Intent: It is intended that these by-laws conform to the policy prescribed by the National Council, B.S.A. and provide a basic outline of certain duties, responsibilities and procedures for the troop.

Article I – Organization


Name: Troop 394, Boy Scouts of America (B.S.A.)
Sponsorship: Parents of Troop 394
Purpose: To promote scouting in the community.


Article II – Membership


Qualifications: As specified by the National Council, B.S.A. and the parents’ committee of Troop 394:

  1. Every boy who applies must learn the Scout Oath, Scout Law, the Scout Motto and Scout Slogan, and be willing to live by and up to the standards of these ideals.

  2. Every boy who applies must be 11 years old or have completed the 5th grade or earned the Arrow of Light in the Cub Scouts.

  3. Every boy who applies must complete a B.S.A. medical form. These forms must be updated annually.

  4. Every boy who joins must be in full uniform by the third month of membership in the troop. Uniforms can be purchased at the Scout shop and further accessories can be purchased from the Troop.

Costs: As specified by the parents’ committee of Troop 394 and B.S.A.:

  1. Upon application, the minimum current annual fee will be collected to be distributed as follows:

    Scout registration.

    Adult registration.

    Boys’ Life Magazine (optional).

  2. If any costs create a hardship, the parents’ committee chairman or the Scoutmaster may be contacted and appropriate accommodations will be worked out.

  3. Failure to meet these costs will result in an exclusion of the Scout from activities, etc.


Article III – Discipline


Inappropriate Actions:


  1. Improper uniform or attire

  2. Tardiness to an event

  3. Unexcused absence at an event

  4. Consistent disruption of a meeting

  5. Horseplay or Fighting

  6. Neglect of duties

  7. Abuse of power

  8. Bullying, Abusive Language

  9. Alcohol or Illegal Drugs

  10. Disobedience

  11. Lying, Cheating, or Stealing

  12. Not turning in a Job Report on time

  13. Not completing work for a Job in a given deadline


Disciplinary Actions:


  1. 1 Strike – Warning. This is more of a ‘security blanket’ for each Scout. If something happens, or if a Scout simply forgets something, he would receive a strike, but nothing would happen. Therefore, Scouts have the luxury of spending this strike any way they wish.

  2. 2 Strikes – 1 Month Rank Advancement Delay. Upon completing all of the requirements for a particular rank, the delay will begin. A Scout wishing to advance must first come to the leadership and inquire as to the status of his strikes. He can then go to the Scoutmaster and request that his rank delay begin. If a scout serves his delay within the term, this strike is not erased from his record.

  3. 3 Strikes – Loss of Job Credit*. Upon receiving three strikes, job credit is automatically lost for a job. Exceptions (*) include Patrol Leaders, Guides, and Instructors. Based on the SPL’s evaluation of the aforementioned’s performance, loss of job credit is to the Leadership’s discretion

  4. 4 Strikes – 3 Month Rank Advancement Delay. Similar to the two-strike punishment, except that it is thrice as long. Correspondingly, the delay time begins once a Scout is ready for his Scoutmaster conference. This punishment CAN carry over between terms.

  5. 5 Strikes – Scoutmaster Conference or Parent Committee Appearance. A scout will be required to appear before the Scoutmaster or the Parent Committee for a sit-down to evaluate their performance in Scouting for that term, and also to discuss possible solutions to remedy their recent misbehavior.

  6. 6 Strikes – Suspension & Further Consequences. This punishment is subject to the Scoutmaster or Chairman’s discretion


*Note: Each scout receives a clean slate of strikes every six months. However, suspensions will permanently be attributed to a scout’s record.



  1. Individuals may be suspended from troop activities, at the discretion of the Scoutmaster along with the parents’ committee, for the following:

  2. It is also intended that these disciplines be progressive in severity and are not meant to preclude lesser disciplines.

  3. After three (3) suspensions, the Scout will be put on indefinite suspension and not be re-registered.

  4. It is understood that there may be other, unspecified reasons for discipline. These will be acted on in the appropriate manner.

  5. These disciplines may be instituted by the acting Scoutmaster or the adult in charge of an outing or function, pending verification by the Scoutmaster along with the parents’ committee.




  1. It will be the responsibility of the parent(s) or guardian(s) to appeal the suspension to the parents’ committee chairman within seven (7) days. The parents’ committee chairperson must schedule a special meeting along with the Scoutmaster, three (3) committee members, the Scout and his parent(s) or guardian(s) in attendance. If no appeal is made, the above procedure will still be necessary for reinstatement.

  2. Reinstatement will be made with a majority affirmative vote of the special committee, excluding the Scout and his parent(s) or guardian(s).

  3. In the case that a Scout returns to Troop 394 upon spending time with another Troop, a record will be maintained in terms of strikes and other misconduct.


Article IV – Governance


Troop 394 will be, in essence, a boy run Troop. Boys will be elected to positions of leadership and responsibility, the highest one being the Senior Patrol Leader. The Senior Patrol Leader (hereafter, SPL), will be in charge of enforcing Troop rules and ensuring that Scouts carry out their responsibilities. The SPL will report to the governing committee (see below) on a regular basis.

A committee comprised of the parents or guardians of the Scouts of Troop 394 shall govern troop activities. The committee shall meet on a regular schedule (typically on a monthly basis) to plan, schedule and monitor all troop activities including troop meetings, outings, award ceremonies, community service, finances and fund raising. The committee may appoint officers as necessary to carry out the various duties.


Boy Scouts of America


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